For the last decades as the computer technology has been developing the importance of
human-computer systems interaction problems was growing. This is not only because the computer
systems performance characteristics have been im-proved but also due to the growing number of
computer users and of their expectations about general computer systems capabilities as
universal tools for human work and life facilitation. The early technological problems of
man-computer information exchange - which led to a progress in computer programming languages
and input output devices construction - have been step by step dominated by the more general
ones of human interaction with-and-through computer systems shortly denoted as H-CSI problems.
The interest of scientists and of any sort specialists to the H-CSI problems is very high as it
follows from an increasing number of scientific conferences and publications devoted to these
topics. The present book contains selected papers concerning various aspects of H-CSI. They
have been grouped into five Parts: I. General H-CSI problems (7 papers) II. Disabled persons
helping and medical H-CSI applications (9 papers) III. Psychological and linguistic H-CSI
aspects (9 papers) IV. Robots and training systems (8 papers) V. Various H-CSI applications
(11 papers).