ThesearetheproceedingsoftheInternationalWorkshoponProgrammingMulti- Agent Systems (ProMAS 2008)
the sixth of a series of workshops that is aimed at discussing and providing an overview of
current state-of-the-art technology for programming multi-agent systems. The aim of the ProMAS
workshop series is to promote research on progr- ming technologies and tools that can
e?ectively contribute to the development and deployment of multi-agent systems. In particular
the workshop promotes the discussion and exchange of ideas concerning the techniques concepts
- quirements and principles that are important for establishing multi-agent p- gramming
platforms that are useful in practice and have a theoretically sound basis. Topics addressed
include but are not limited to the theory and app- cations of agent programming languages the
veri?cation and analysis of agent systems
aswellastheimplementationofsocialstructureinagent-basedsystems (e. g. roleswithin
organizations coordinationandcommunicationin multi-agent systems). In its previous editions
ProMAS constituted an invaluable occasion bringing together leading researchers from both
academia and industry to discuss issues on the design of programming languages and tools for
multi-agent systems. We were very pleased to be able to again present a range of high-quality
papers at ProMAS 2008. After ?ve successful editions of the ProMAS workshop series which took
place during AAMAS 2003 (Melbourne Australia) AAMAS 2004 (New York USA) AAMAS 2005 (Utrecht
The Netherlands) AAMAS 2006 (Hakodate Japan) and AAMAS 2007 (Honolulu Hawai'i) the sixth
edition took place on May 13 in Estoril Portugal in conjunction with AAMAS 2008 the main
international conference on autonomous agents and MAS.