The2009InternationalWorkshoponAgentsandDataMiningInteraction(ADMI 2009) was a joint event with
AAMAS2009. In recentyears agents and data mining interaction (ADMI) or agent mining forshort
hasemergedasaverypromisingresearch?eld. Followingthesuccessof ADMI 2006 in Hong Kong ADMI 2007
in San Jose and ADMI 2008 in Sydney the ADMI 2009 workshop in Budapest provided a premier
forum for sharing research and engineering results as well as potential challenges and
prospects encountered in the synergy between agents and data mining. As usual the ADMI
workshop encouraged and promoted theoretical and applied research and development which aims
at: - Exploitingagent-drivendatamininganddemonstratinghowintelligentagent technology can
contribute to critical data mining problems in theory and practice - Improving data
mining-driven agents and showing how data mining can strengthen agent intelligence in research
and practical applications - Exploring the integration of agents and data mining toward a
super-intelligent information processing and systems - Identifying challenges and directions
for future research on the synergy between agents and data mining ADMI 2009 featured two
invited talks and twelve selected papers. The ?rst invited talk was on Agents and Data Mining
in Bioinformatics with the s- ond focusing on Knowledge-Based Reinforcement Learning. The ten
accepted papers are from seven countries. A majority of submissions came from Eu- pean
countries indicating the boom of ADMI research in Europe. In addition the two invited papers
addressed fundamental issues related to agent-driven data mining data mining-driven agents
and agent mining applications. The proceedings of the ADMI workshops will be published as part
of the LNAIseriesbySpringer. WeappreciatethesupportofSpringer andinparticular Alfred Hofmann.