These proceedings contain the papers presented at VoteID 2009 the Second -
ternationalConferenceonE-votingandIdentity.TheconferencewasheldinL- embourgduring September 7 8
2009 hostedbythe Universityof Luxembourg. VoteID 2009 built on the success of the 2007 edition
held in Bochum. Events have moved on dramatically in the intervening two years: at the time of
writing people are in the streets of Tehran protesting against the claimed outcome of the
June12thpresidentialelectionin Iran.Banners bearingthe words Whereis my vote? bear testimony to
the strength of feeling and the need for elections to be trusted. These events show that the
search for high-assurance voting is not a purely academic pursuit but one of very real
importance. We hope that VoteID 2009 will help contribute to our understanding of the
foundations of democracy. TheProgramCommitteeselected11papersforpresentationattheconference out
of a total of 24 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least four Program Committee
members. The EasyChair conference management system proved instrumental in the reviewing
process as well as in the preparation of these proceedings. The selected papers cover a wide
range of aspects of voting: proposals for high-assurancevotingsystems
evaluationofexistingsystems assessmentofp- lic response to electronic voting and legal aspects.
The program also included a keynote by Mark Ryan.