CHES 2009 the 11th workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems was held in
Lausanne Switzerland September 6-9 2009. The wo- shop was sponsored by the International
Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). The workshop attracted a record number of 148
submissions from 29 co- tries of which the Program Committee selected 29 for publication in
the wo- shop proceedings resulting in an acceptance rate of 19.6% the lowest in the history
of CHES. The review process followed strict standards: each paper - ceived at least four
reviews and some asmanyaseightreviews.Membersofthe Program Committee were restricted to
co-authoring at most two submissions and their papers were evaluated by an extended number of
reviewers. The ProgramCommittee included 53 members representing 20 countries and ?ve
continents. These members were carefully selected to represent academia industry and
government as well as to include world-class experts in various research ?elds of interest to
CHES. The Program Committee was supported by 148 external reviewers. The total number of people
contributing to the - view process including Program Committee members external reviewers
and Program Co-chairs exceeded 200. The papers collected in this volume represent cutting-edge
worldwide - search in the rapidly growing and evolving area of cryptographic engineering.