Half a centuryago not manypeople had realizedthat a new epoch in the history of homo sapiens
had just started. The term Information Society Age seems an appropriate name for this epoch.
Communication was without a doubt a lever of the conquest of the human race over the rest of
the animate world. There is little doubt that the human racebegan when our predecessorsstarted
to communicate with each other using language.This highly abstractmeans of communicationwas
probably one of the major factors contributing to the evolutionary success of the human race
within the animal world. Physically weak and imperfect humans started to dominate the rest of
the world through the creation of communication-based societies where individuals communicated
initially to satisfy immediate needs and then to create accumulate and process knowledge for
future use. The crucial step in the history of humanity was the invention of writing. It is
worth noting that writing is a human invention not a phenomenon resulting from natural
evolution. Humans invented writing as a technique for recording speech as well as for storing
and facilitating the dissemination of knowledge across the world. Humans continue to be born
illiterate and therefore teaching and conscious supervised learning is necessary to maintain
this basic social skill.