As communication and networking (CN) become specialized and fragmented it is easy to lose
sight that many topics in CN have common threads and because of this advances in one
sub-discipline may transmit to another. The presentation of results between different
sub-disciplines of CN encourages this interchange for the advan- ment of CN as a whole. Of
particular interest is the hybrid approach of combining ideas from one discipline with those of
another to achieve a result that is more signi- cant than the sum of the individual parts.
Through this hybrid philosophy a new or common principle can be discovered which has the
propensity to propagate throu- out this multifaceted discipline. This volume comprises the
selection of extended versions of papers that were p- sented in their shortened form at the
2008 International Conference on Future Gene- tion Communication and Networking Inter- tional
Conference on Bio-Science and Bio-Technology International Symposium on u- and e- Service
Science and Technology International Symposium on Database Theory and Application
International Symposium on Control and Automation International Symposium on Signal
Processing Image Processing and Pattern Recognition International Symposium on Grid and
Distributed Computing (ttp: www. sersc. org GDC2008 ) International Symposium on Smart Home
and 2009 Advanced Science and Technology .