Following the very successful Motion in Games event in June 2008 we or- nized the Second
International Workshop on Motion in Games (MIG) during November 21-24 2009 in Zeist The
Netherlands. Games have become a very important medium for both education and - tertainment.
Motion plays a crucial role in computer games. Characters move around objects are manipulated
or move due to physical constraints entities are animated and the camera moves through the
scene. Even the motion of the player nowadays is used as input to games. Motion is currently
studied in many di?erent areas of research including graphics and animation game technology
robotics simulation computer vision and also physics psychology and urban studies.
Cross-fertilizationbetween these communities can considerably advance the state of the art in
this area. The goal of the workshop Motion in Games is to bring together researchers from this
variety of ?elds to present the most recent results and to initiate collaboration. The workshop
is organized by the Dutch research project GATE. In total the workshop this year consisted of
27 high-quality presentations by a selection of internationally renownedspeakers in the ?eld of
games and simulations. We were extremely pleased with the quality of the contributions to the
MIG workshop and we look forward to organizing a follow-up MIG event.