The rich programme of ICIDS 2009 comprising invited talks technical pres- tations and posters
demonstrations and co-located post-conference workshops clearly underscores the event¿s status
as premier international meeting in the domain. It thereby con?rms the decision taken by the
Constituting Committee of the conference series to take the step forward: out of the national
cocoons of its precursors ICVS and TIDSE and towards an itinerant platform re?ecting its
global constituency. This move re?ects the desire and the will to take on the challenge to stay
on the lookout critically re?ect upon and integrate views and ideas ?ndingsandexperiences
andtopromoteinterdisciplinaryexchange while ensuring overall coherence and maintaining a sense
of direction. This is a signi?cant enterprise: The challenges sought are multifarious and must
be addressed consistently at all levels. The desire to involve all research
communitiesandstakeholdersmustbematchedbyacknowledgingthedi?erences in established practises
and by providing suitable means of guidance and int- duction exposition and direct interaction
at the event itself and of lasting (and increasingly:living) documentation of which the
present proceedings are but an important part.