The First International ICST Conference on Communications Infrastructure Systems and
Applications in Europe (EuropeComm 2009) was held August 11-13 2009 in London. EuropeComm
2009 brought together decision makers from the EU comm- sion top researchers and industry
executives to discuss the directions of communi- tions research and development in Europe. The
event also attracted academia and industry representatives as well as government officials to
discuss the current dev- opments and future trends in technology applications and services in
the communi- tions field. Organizing this conference was motivated by the fact that the
development and - ployment of future services will require a common global-scale infrastructure
and therefore it is important that designers and stakeholders from all the systems stacks come
together to discuss these developments. Rapidly decreasing costs of compu- tional power
storage capacity and communication bandwidth have led to the dev- opment of a multitude of
applications carrying an increasingly huge amount of traffic on the global networking
infrastructure. What we have seen is an evolution: an inf- structure looking for networked
applications has evolved into an infrastructure str- gling to meet the social technological
and business challenges posed by the plethora of bandwidth-hungry emerging applications.