The 16th international conference on Multimedia Modeling (MMM2010) was held in the famous
mountain city Chongqing China January 6-8 2010 and hosted by Southwest University. MMM is a
leading international conference for researchersand industry practitioners to share their new
ideas original research results and practicaldevelopment experiences from all multimedia
related areas. MMM2010attractedmorethan160regular specialsession anddemosession submissions
from 21 countries regions around the world. All submitted papers were reviewed by at least two
PC members or external reviewers and most of them were reviewed by three reviewers. The review
process was very selective. From the total of 133 submissions to the main track 43 (32. 3%)
were accepted as regular papers 22 (16. 5%) as short papers. In all 15 papers were received
for three special sessions which is by invitation only and 14 submissions were received for a
demo session with 9 being selected. Authors of accepted papers come from 16 countries regions.
This volume of the proceedings contains the abstracts of three invited talks and all the
regular short special session and demo papers. The regular papers were categorized into nine
sections: 3D mod- ing advancedvideocodingandadaptation face gestureandapplications image
processing imageretrieval learningsemanticconcepts mediaanalysisandm- eling semantic video
concepts and tracking and motion analysis. Three special sessions were video analysis and
event recognition cross-X multimedia mining in large scale and mobile computing and
applications. The technical programfeatured three invited talks paralleloral presentation of
all the accepted regular and special session papers and poster sessions for short and demo