Volume XI of the Transactions on Rough Sets (TRS) provides evidence of f- ther growth in the
rough set landscape both in terms of its foundations and applications. This volume provides
further evidence of the number of research streams that were either directly or indirectly
initiated by the seminal work on rough 1 sets by Zdzis law Pawlak (1926-2006) . Evidence of the
growth of various rough 2 set-based research streams can be found in the rough set database .
Thisvolumecontainsarticlesintroducingadvancesinthefoundationsand- plicationsofroughsets.These
advancesinclude: calculusofattribute-value pairs useful in mining numerical data de?nability
and coalescence of approximations variable consistency generalization approach to bagging
controlled by measures of consistency classical and dominance-based rough sets in the search
for genes judgementaboutsatis?abilityunderincompleteinformation irreducibledescr- tive sets of
attributes for information systems useful in the design of concurrent data models
computational theory of perceptions (CTP) and its characteristics and the relation with
fuzzy-granulation methods and algorithms of the Net- TRS system a recursive version of the
apriori algorithm designed for parallel processing and decision table reduction method based
on fuzzy rough sets. Theeditorsandauthorsofthisvolumeextendtheirgratitudetothereviewers of
articles in this volume Alfred Hofmann Ursula Barth Christine Reiss and the LNCS sta? at
Springer for their support in making this volume of the TRS possible.