To celebrate its 5th edition the International Symposium on Biomedical S- ulation (ISBMS) was
organized in conjunction with the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH).
IMSH is the premier simulation in heal- care meeting and largestsingle gathering of clinicians
educators administrators and other simulation stakeholders. This unique link-up aimed at
bringing - gether simulation users with those involved in its scienti?c and technological
developments in order to foster closer interaction. The joint meeting was held in Phoenix
Arizona during January 23 24 2010. Biomedical modeling and simulation are at the center stage
of worldwide e?orts to understand and replicate the behavior and function of the human
organism. The Physiome Project and Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) i- tiative aim to develop
advanced computational models that will facilitate the understanding of the integrative
function of cells organs and organisms with the ultimate goal of delivering truly
personalized medicine. At the same time progressinreal-timebiomedicalmodeling
andsimulationhasenabledmorec- plex interactive simulations o?ering the possibility of highly
sophisticated task trainers proceduralandpatientsimulatorsto supportmedicaltrainingandsafer
clinical practice. It is in this contextthat ISBMS seeks to act as an international forum for
researchers in this increasingly important area to share their latest work discuss future
trends and forge new collaborations.