This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Arti?cial
Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2010 held in Zakopane PolandduringJune13-17 2010.
TheconferencewasorganizedbythePolishN- ral Network Society in cooperation with the Academy of
Management in L od z (SWSPiZ) the Department of Computer Engineering at the Czestochowa U-
versity of Technology and the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Poland Chapter. The
previous conferences took place in Kule (1994) Szczyrk (1996) Kule (1997) and Zakopane (1999
2000 2002 2004 2006 2008) and attracted a large number of papers and internationally
recognized speakers: Lot? A. Zadeh Shun-ichi Amari Daniel Amit Piero P. Bonissone Zdzislaw
Bubnicki Andrzej Cichocki WlodzislawDuch PabloA. Est evez JerzyGrzymala-Busse Kaoru- rota
Janusz Kacprzyk Laszlo T. Koczy Soo-Young Lee Robert Marks Ev- gelia Micheli-Tzanakou
Erkki Oja Witold Pedrycz Sarunas Raudys Enrique Ruspini Jorg Siekman Roman Slowinski
Ryszard Tadeusiewicz Shiro Usui Ronald Y. Yager Syozo Yasui and Jacek Zurada. The aim of
this conference is to build a bridge between traditional arti?cial intelligence techniques and
recently developed soft computing techniques. It was pointed out by Lot? A. Zadeh that Soft
Computing (SC) is a coalition of methodologies which are o- ented toward the conception and
design of information intelligent systems. The principal members of the coalition are: fuzzy
logic (FL) neurocomputing (NC) evolutionary computing (EC) probabilistic computing (PC)
chaotic computing (CC) and machine learning (ML). The constituent methodologies of SC are for
themostpart complementaryandsynergisticratherthancompetitive. Thisv- ume presents both
traditional arti?cial intelligence methods and soft computing techniques.