Euro-Par is an annual series of international conferences dedicated to the p- motion and
advancement of all aspects of parallel and distributed computing. th Euro-Par 2009 was the 15
edition in this conference series. Througout the years the Euro-Par conferences have always
attracted high-quality submissions and have become one of the established conferences in the
area of parallel and distributed processing. Built upon the success of the annual conferences
and in order to accommodate the needs of special interest groups (among the conf- ence
participants) starting from 2006 a series of workshopsin conjunction with the Euro-Par main
conference have been organized. This was the ?fth year in which workshops were organized within
the Euro-Par conference format. The workshops focus on advanced specialized topics in parallel
and d- tributed computing. These topics re?ect new scienti?c and technological dev- opments.
While the community for such new and speci?c developments is still small and the topics have
yet to become mature the Euro-Par conference o?ers a platform in the form of a workshop to
exchange ideas and discuss cooperation opportunities. The workshops in the past four years have
been very successful. The number
ofworkshopproposalsandthenumberof?nallyacceptedworkshopshavegra- ally increasedsince 2006.In
2008 nine workshopswereorganizedin conjunction with the main Euro-Par conference. In 2009
there were again nine workshops.