Welcome to the proceedings of the International Conference on Information
ComputingandApplications(ICICA2010) whichwasheldinTangshan China October 15 18 2010. As
future-generation information technology information computing and applications become
specialized information computing and applications - cluding hardware software
communications and networks are growing with ever-increasing scale and heterogeneity and
becoming overly complex. The c- plexity is gettingmore criticalalongwiththe
growingapplications.Tocope with the growingandcomputing complexity informationcomputing and
applications focusonintelligent selfmanageable scalablecomputingsystemsandapplications to the
maximum extent possible without human intervention or guidance. With the rapid development of
information science and technology infor- tion computing has become the third approach of
science research. Information computing and applications is the ?eld of study concerned with
constructing intelligent computing mathematical models numerical solution techniques and
using computersto analyzeandsolvenaturalscienti?c socialscienti?c anden-
neeringproblems.Inpracticaluse itistypicallytheapplicationofcomputers- ulation intelligent
computing internet computing pervasive computing sc- ablecomputing trustedcomputing
autonomy-orientedcomputing evolutionary computing mobile computing applications and other
forms of computation - dressing problems in various scienti?c disciplines and engineering.
Information computing and applications is an important underpinning for techniques used in
information and computational science and there are many unresolved problems worth studying.
The ICICA 2010 conference provided a forum for engineers and scientists in academia industry
and government to address the most innovative research and development including technical
challenges and social legal political and economic issues and to present and discuss their
ideas results work in progress and experience on all aspects of information computing and