th This volume contains the papers presented at the 13 International Conference on Discovery
Science (DS 2010) held in Canberra Australia October 6-8 2010. The main objective of the
Discovery Science (DS) conference series is to provide an open forum for intensive discussions
and the exchange of new ideas and information among researchers working in the area of
automating sci- ti?c discovery or working on tools for supporting the human process of disc-
ery in science. It has been a successful arrangement in the past to co-locate the DS conference
with the International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT). This combination of ALT
and DS allows for a comprehensive treatment of the whole range from theoretical investigations
to practical app- cations. Continuing in this tradition DS 2010 was co-located with the 21st
ALT conference (ALT 2010). The proceedings of ALT 2010 were published as a twin volume (6331)
of the LNCS series. The international steering committee of the Discovery Science conference -
ries providedimportantadvice on a number of issues during the planning of D- coveryScience2010.
ThemembersofthesteeringcommitteewereAlbertoAp- tolico Setsuo Arikawa Hiroki Arimura
Jean-Francois Boulicaut Vitor Santos Costa Vincent Corruble Joao Gama Achim Ho?mann Tamas
Horvath Alipio Jorge Hiroshi Motoda Ayumi Shinohara Einoshin Suzuki (Chair) Masayuki
Takeda Akihiro Yamamoto and Thomas Zeugmann. We received 43 full-paper submissions out of
which 25 long papers were - cepted for presentation and are published in this volume.