DNA nanotechnology: From structure to function presents an overview of various facets of DNA
nanotechnology with a particular focus on their promising applications. This book is composed
of three parts. Part I Elements of DNA Nanotechnology provides extensive basic information on
DNA nanotechnology. Part II Static and Dynamic DNA Nanotechnology describes the design and
fabrication of static and dynamic DNA nanostructures. Recent advances in DNA origami DNA
walkers and DNA nanodevices are all covered in this part. Part III Applications of DNA
Nanotechnology introduces a variety of applications of DNA nanotechnology including
biosensing computation drug delivery etc. Together these provide a comprehensive overview of
this emerging area and its broad impact on biological and medical sciences. This book is
intended for post-graduates post-doctoral researchers and research scientists who are
interested in expanding their knowledge of DNA nanotechnology. It provides readers an
impression of the latest developments in this exciting filed.