The first edition of the Bremen World Shipping Yearbook pub lished in 1953 met with a
conspicuously good reception in profes sional circles at home and abroad. The international
shipping press as well as the com~etent men of science and shipping industry in the widest
sense of the word warmly commended the new publication. The widespread interest the general
demand for a continuation of this work and the overall recognition have encouraged the author
Dr.G.A.THEEL to cope once more with all the difficulties aris ing from a fundamentally new
analysis of 1953 54-World Shipping as offered by this book. In order to render the book
directly accessable to interested professional circles abroad abilingual edition is presented
this time. This together with the necessary extension of statistical data would have sent up
the price of this book considerably. Consequently a solution had to be found for cutting down
the printing costs with out however reducing the scientific value of this book. Consider ing
the general boost of printing charges it has become almost impossible to edit an extensive
scientific work with widely diversi fied statistical data and graphs in a normally printed form
and at a reasonable price acceptable to all interested circles.