Situating former Harvard neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander's Near-Death Experience within the
ontological landscape of Romanity or the 'Byzantine'-Ottoman Continuum of Roman Ecumenicity
namely: Judaism Christianity and Islam God's Gift World's Deception is a unique exploration
of this unique NDE attesting to its vital and organic ties to those experiences of the New
Testament Fathers of the 'Byzantine' Apostolic Catholic Orthodox Church (¿ t¿¿ p¿¿t¿¿ ¿¿¿t¿¿
the unity of all being existents) which came to them via theosis. The book claims that Dr.
Alexander's experience is indeed a continuation and completion of the theophanic visions of the
Old Testament Prophets and is linked to the imaginal divine becomings of the Koranic Ottoman
vahdet-i vücud tasavvuf Masters ('the unity-of-Being' Sufism in both Sunni and Alevi
traditions) but also highlights the distorting effects of the interpretive resources available
in the predominantly neo-Gnostic-cratic West (religious and secular) as well as its Globalist
agenda creating an unfit backdrop for an exegetical attempt at the Proof of Heaven Experience.
Ultimately God's Gift World's Deception reconfirms the engendered existence of the
Divine-human Ecumene as a historically spiritual-somatic reflection of the Divine Realm and
above all it shows the Theanthropic Lord Jesus Christ as the True Om the Real Hakîkat-i
Muhammediyye and the Eternal Tao. Dr. Christos Retoulas (DPhil (Oxon)) is a member of the
Scientific Board of the Dimitri Kitsikis Foundation (Athens).