Lara Jüssen takes the case of Latin American household and construction workers in Madrid to
show how ir regular labour migrants make citizenship available for themselves through
emplacements embodiments and enactments of citizenship. After describing the sociopolitical
context of crisis and resistance in Spain citizenship is anthropologized in order to approach
it through the workplace: the private household and the construction site. Based on empirical
results from interviews it is analyzed how citizenship is emplaced through ego-centered
networks and assemblages that situate the migrants' social belonging how it is embodied
through carving out of identities of the migrant workers intersectionality of gender
ethnicity and class affects that imprint workers' bodies and experiences of violence at the
workplace then citizenships' enactment is scrutinized through workers' empowerment for rights
individually at the workplace and collectively through demonstrations and politicaltheater
performance in urban public space.