Assessment of cardiac energetics at the level of ATP-synthesis chemomechanical energy
transformation and whole organ dynamics as a function of haemodynamic load ventricular
configuration and oxygen- and substrates supply is basic to understanding cardiac function
under physiological and pathophysiological (hypertrophy hypoxia ischaemia and heart failure)
conditions. Moreover cardiac energetics should be an important consideration in the choice and
application of drugs especially in the case of vasodilators inotropic agents and in
cardioprotective measures. Only by considering energetics at the subcellular cellular and
whole-heart level we can arrive at a better understanding of cardiac performance and ultimately
better clinical judgement and drug therapy. Quantification of myocardial energetics will also
help to determine the optimal time for surgical interventions such as valvular replacement or
aneurysm resection. The present volume is the outcome of an international symposium on cardiac
energetics held in Gargellen Montafon (Austria) June 1986. The contributions will certainly
help bridge the existing gap between basic research involving isolated structures and that
involving the whole organ on the one hand and render the results derived from basic research
applicable to clinical problems on the other hand.