The Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) is one of the most well-known techniques in the field of
soft computing an important paradigm in the science and engineering community. This volume
the proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Harmony Search Algorithm 2015 (ICHSA
2015) brings together contributions describing the latest developments in the field of soft
computing with a special focus on HSA techniques. It includes coverage of new methods that have
potentially immense application in various fields. Contributed articles cover aspects of the
following topics related to the Harmony Search Algorithm: analytical studies improved hybrid
and multi-objective variants parameter tuning and large-scale applications. The book also
contains papers discussing recent advances on the following topics: genetic algorithms
evolutionary strategies the firefly algorithm and cuckoo search particle swarm optimization
and ant colony optimization simulated annealing and local search techniques. This book offers
a valuable snapshot of the current status of the Harmony Search Algorithm and related
techniques and will be a useful reference for practising researchers and advanced students in
computer science and engineering.