Stakeholder Management - From Management Philosophy to a Tool for Everyday Working Life Use of
Stakeholder Management Today In times of growing globalisation and increasingly tough c-
petition the use of stakeholder management tools is becoming much more widespread. Nowadays
the concept of stakeholder mana- ment is no longer limited to the specific focusing of all
corporate activity on interest groups such as customers employees sha- holders or suppliers
but has become an integral part of a company's daily action. Measuring the quality of
relationships between companies insti- tions and the relevant interest groups developing
actions aimed at improving these relationships (managing) and the continuous mo- toring of the
effects in line with the TRI*M approach is gaining momentum in all areas and at all levels of
companies and ins- tutions. Today human resources departments usually measure the comm- ment
of employees in all organisational units on an annual basis and senior managers develop
strategies with their employees to the level of commitment the success of which will
ultimately be reviewed through subsequent measuring. This greater focus on employee commitment
has only recently been given priority. For a long time companies have failed to appreciate
that the motivation and engagement of employees is the most important basis for excellent
customer experiences and consequently profitability. Only engaged and motivated employees
will use all their skills and energies for the benefit of the company.