This study investigates whether the existing regulatory framework governing the
telecommunications sector in countries in Sub-Saharan Africa effectively deals with emerging
competition-related concerns in the liberalised sector. Using Uganda as a case study it
analyses the relevant provisions of the law governing competition in the telecommunications
sector and presents three key findings: Firstly while there is comprehensive legislation on
interconnection and spectrum management inefficient enforcement of the legislation has
perpetuated concerns surrounding spectrum scarcity and interconnection. Secondly the
legislative framework governing anti-competitive behaviour though in line with the established
principles of competition law is not sufficient. Specifically the framework is not equipped
to govern the conduct of multinational telecommunications groups that have a strong presence in
the telecommunications sector. Major factors hampering efficient competition regulation include
Uganda's sole reliance on sector-specific competition rules restricted available remedies and
a regulator with limited experience of enforcing competition legislation. The weaknesses in the
framework strongly suggest the need to adopt an economy-wide competition law. Lastly wireless
technology is the main means through which the population in Uganda accesses telecommunications
services. Greater emphasis should be placed on regulating conduct in the wireless
communications markets.