The definitive book of snow and avalanche science - now also in English In the hugely
successful innovative manual "lawine" published eight years ago internationally recognized
'avalanche warner' authors Rudi Mair and Patrick Nairz succeeded in writing the definitive work
of avalanche science. Partially responsible its success was their innovative concept of Danger
Patterns which led the European Avalanche Warning Services to introduce cross-border
depictions of five Avalanche Problems in 2014. These problems which occur repeatedly in every
mountain region throughout the course of winter are also depicted in this definitive work: 1.
Fresh Snow 2. Snowdrifts 3. Old Snow 4. Wet Snow and 5. Gliding Snow. These fundamental
problems are then explored more deeply in the ten decisive Danger Patterns. What are the
typical meteorological conditions in early winter deep winter late winter and springtime?
What effects do they have on the snow cover? And above all: what threats do they create? Short
concise blocks of information highly expressive photos of the complexities of the landscape
optimize comprehensive expertise of this science. Through the analysis of typical accidents
(which have actually occurred) these recurring danger patterns are illustrated with a clarity
that makes them recognizable on-site. Adopting this approach the book pursues a classic
strategic path of risk management e.g. '3x3' or 'stop or go' thereby melding to a graspable
all-encompassing whole. A book born of practice in outlying terrain a practical manual for
outdoor experiences. It was awarded the Platinum Book Prize by the Austrian Book Association
and named the standard work of snow and avalanche science. And now finally it is available in