RED LUXEMBOURG. The red colour of the soil in the south of Luxembourg. The red colour of the
labour history in this post-industrial region. The red colour in the spatial planning
instruments to guide urban development in Luxembourg. In an era when 'the urban' has been
turned into a (nearly) global condition and 'mixture' in the city is synonymous with having a
coffee bar a supermarket and a car-sharing system at the centre of dense real-estate
development we believe it is time to grow wary and to strengthen suspicion. A series of
probing essays and an project proposal explore what RED LUXEMBOURG should be about and what it
could look like gradually evolving towards a closer co-existence between man and nature. Text:
Tom Becker Stijn Bollaert Pascal De Decker ¿Matthew Gandy Nathan Heindrichs Markus Hesse
Sandra Jasper Germain Meulemans Jan Minne David Peleman Peter Swinnen Erik Swyngedouw
Beatriz Van Houtte Alonso