When it comes to working and learning collaboration is often the key to success. In a team
tasks can be completed more efficiently complex issues are easier to grasp and as we all know
learning is not only an individual but also a social process. The articles in this collection
illustrate a variety of opportunities and challenges that the use of virtual spaces and virtual
technologies presents for successful teamwork. The collections' aim is to contribute to
exploratory research as well as pilot studies of concepts and methods in the use of virtuality
with contributions from different professional and application perspectives. The question of
whether teamwork will increasingly take place in virtual space in the future is clearly
answered in the affirmative. For this reason it is necessary to continue to investigate the
organisation of virtual collaboration in the future and to continuously develop new concepts
for collaboration. This publication is a snapshot of these ongoing developments. It is intended
to inspire practitioners to innovate in the design of collaboration in work and learning
environments and to stimulate researchers in their future experiments and research approaches.