For the first time the editors of this volume have brought together text illustrations and
high-definition videos to create an expert video atlas in the field of pediatric airway
surgery. The publication which includes the book and free online access to the videos provides
a detailed review of the pros and cons and clinical pearls involved in various modes of
pediatric airway surgery. Discussed are all the main open airway surgeries including
laryngotracheal reconstruction cricotracheal resection tracheal resection and re-anastomosis
and slide tracheoplasty. Further covered is a range of endoscopic procedures such as endoscopic
repair of laryngeal clefts and endoscopic treatment of vocal fold immobility. The
high-definition videos with audio overlay and the text complement provide an excellent detailed
instruction manual for surgeons willing to carry out these operations. This publication is
designed for all levels from medical student through residency and fellowship as well as the
pediatric otolaryngologist or pediatric surgeon preparing for pediatric airway surgery.