Editorial Veranstaltungen Analyse von Einflussparametern auf den Stick-Slip-Effekt mittels
Tribometer- versuchen und FE-Simulation Analysis of System Parameters on the Stick-Slip-Effect
through Tribometer Tests and Finite Element Computations Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum
Einlaufverhalten bleifreier Sondermessinglegierungen Experimental Investigations into the
Running-in Behavior of Lead-free Special Brass Alloys Turning of high strength austenitic
stainless steels Thermo-oxidative grease service life evaluation - laboratory study with the
catalytically accelerated method using the RapidOxy Impact of thermal cycles on tribological
properties and oxidation of MoS2 coatings Nachrichten Mitteilungen der GfT Patentumschau Normen
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