The fact that there are different cultures in the world is too obvious for words. Considering
thus cultural differences in the light of the phenomenological concept of life-world may raise
the following questions: Do we live in the same life-world regardless of such cultural
differences? Or do we live in different life-worlds because of cultural differences? The first
question presupposes a singular life-world whereas the second question entails a plurality of
life-worlds. In any case how is the notion of cultural difference related to that of the
life-world? Edmund Husserl (1859-1938) the founder of phenomenology seems to conceive the
life-world as the bare ground of the natural sciences. The life-world therefore acquires a
universal validity regardless of cultural differences. In contrast for Alfred Schutz
(1899-1959) who is more concerned with the foundation of human and social sciences than that
of natural sciences the life-world understood as field of praxis with social and cultural
characteristics unavoidably assumes cultural differences.Besides critically discussing these
two radically diverging positions the book also discusses what Bernhard Waldenfels sees as a
common denominator: the idea of grounding (Grundlegungsidee). Both Husserl and Schutz develop
in their own ways a foundationalist interpretation of the life-world. In whatever case the
book seeks to overcome any foundationalism whether in the form of universalism or culturalism
by suggesting to refocus and inquire into the status of cultural objects. Universals are
ill-suited for cultural matters. Correlatively considering cultural objects from alien
cultures requires acknowledging difference with a sense of humility that does not preclude the
possibility of understanding.