Authoritarianism operates on a visceral level rather than relying on arguments. How can we
counter authoritarian affects? This publication brings together more than 50 first-hand
accounts of anti-authoritarian movements activists artists and scholars from around the
world focusing on the sensuous and emotional dimension of their strategies. From the
collective art and aesthetics of feminist movements in India Iran Mexico and Poland to
sewing collectives subversive internet art in Hong Kong and even anti-authoritarian board
games the contributions open new perspectives on moments of resistance subversion and
creation. Indeed the handbook itself is a work of anti-authoritarian art.The editors behind
the »International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies« and »kollektiv
orangotango« are: Aurel Eschmann Börries Nehe Nico Baumgarten Paul Schweizer Severin Halder
Ailynn Torres Santana Inés Duràn Matute and Julieta Mira.