In the US as well as in Europe migration and migration policy is one of the top issues. This
timely volume gathers distinguished authors from academic institutions throughout Europe
addressing the growing importance of migration policy making and the refugee crisis that
European Union member states and other countries are currently facing. By focusing on the most
important effects that the migration from Third World countries has brought to the European
Union they provide a critical overview of the politicization securitization and social
discourse of migration. The authors analyze the impacts on public administration and governance
and also discuss the rise of the radical right in EU member states the rise of populism and
the alienation of citizens from formal politics which is also caused by the growing interest in
security and public safety. The pan-European character of the publication's scope is vested in
its narration the contributors cover the situation in Western Europe the critical positions
of the Visegrad countries as well as foreign policy making in Slovenia and the Western Balkans.
Moreover the authors address case studies from states such as Armenia and Moldova including
their labor migrants in the Western world. The collection is completed by contrasting and
discussing the immigration policies of countries that are well-known for their open and liberal
immigration activities such as Australia Canada New Zealand and the United States.