Understand the process and the meaning of the development of drawing in children aged
one-and-a-half to six.This new way of observing the drawings-with curiosity enthusiasm and
excitement from experiencing the moment and acceptance-grants children the validation of being
loved and understood and increases their desire for creation self-expression and
communication.In a language suitable for everyone the book exposes the reader to the secret of
the fixed order of the development of children's drawing of all its stages and meanings.
Understanding the stages of the motor and emotional development of children's drawings and
unraveling the encounter as well as the connection between them generates a new interest in
observing your children's drawings and also provides you with the tools to understand their
emotional world.This book is an essential tool for every therapist educator or parent who
wants to raise a child with the ability to communicate confidently and openly with the
world.Even though this is considered a child-like process this unique observation also
contributes to understanding the emotional world of the adult as it is reflected in mature
drawings and even occasionally opens a window to the experience of observing the art of
drawing in general.