This volume continues the series that scrutinizes from a risk perspective the current
phenomenon of authoritarianism as displayed by the new radical right (also known as
alternative right) and whether it represents 'real' democracy or an unacceptable hegemony
potentially resulting in elected dictatorships and abuses as well as dysfunctional government
and harm to many parties. The book identifies and analyzes risk issues arising from the
radical-right phenomenon in many forms including the personal safety and security of
individual citizens ethno-religious minorities and other minorities and vulnerable groups as
well as threats to organizations public order and national security to democratic governance
and to international security. As chapters reveal the cross-flow of ideological
organizational and 'dark money' support emanating primarily from US corporate foundations
lubricates the fusion of corporate and radical-right interests nationally transnationally and
globally. This volume gathers contributions from eight leading academic authors and provides a
detailed examination of the fusion of mutual interests between on the one hand powerful
corporate leaders executives and wealthy oligarchs and on the other radical-right political
leaders parties and intermediary organizations promoting radical-right causes. The two worlds
feed off enable and strengthen each other. Of particular relevance to the third decade of the
21st century is an examination of the corporate radical-right stance on the COVID-19 pandemic
and the phenomenon of wild allegations and grand conspiracy theories disseminated by the
radical-right against their enemies.