Content Note from the Editor Articles Sebastian Hachmeyer & Celia Fritze-Nabjinsky
Introduction: Surmounting Physical Distance Muhammad As'ad Dadi Darmadi & Anne K. Rasjussen:
Islamic Music and Qur'anic Arts in the Time of the Corona Pandemic: Collaborative Research and
Virtual Ethnography in Indonesia Trisnasari Fraser Jane W. Davidson & Alexander Hew Dale
Crooke: Intercultural Music Engagement over Electronic Bridges: Online Ethnography and Actions
Research during COVID-19 Lockdown Jessica Schwartz: Music as Method in Marshallese
Community-driven Research and Outreach during the COVID-19 Pandemic Andrew Gumataotao:
Fieldwork through Filmmaking: Listening to Narrative Medicine in Tåhdong Marianas William
Donnie Scally: Music and Sound in Toyama City Up-close and from Afar: A Close Reading of Online
Materials Informed by In-person Experience Book Reviews