To close this centenary year of Falla's 'Homenaje a Debussy' (1920-2020) we proudly present a
new authoritative reading of the 'Homenaje'. Based on the 1926 Chester edition we have added
in contrasting typography some selected features indications and fingering from Llobet's
previously unknown 1922 autograph manuscript - in fact his own performing copy!Llobet's role in
the creation of this work is now confirmed as having been somewhat wider than he has been so
far credited with. Newly discovered letters from Falla to Llobet confirming this are reproduced
in the edition with English translations. Through these letters we now know that even in 1920
leading up to the publication of the Homenaje in La Revue Musicale Llobet was already a close
and welcome collaborator of Falla and the former's influence and suggestions were already
starting to be incorporated in the 1920 edition a process which was to continue up to the
'final' Chester edition of 1926 which was and still is a totally justified standard reading of
this masterpiece and the main source for our new reading which is based on a new faithful and
balanced perspective considered in parallel to Llobet's recently discovered own performing
autograph manuscript.We are pleased now to be able to debunk many largely unsubstantiated
'opinions' not dissimilar to those of the late John Duarte which propose or infer that the
1920 Revue Musicale edition of the Homenaje is some sort of a 'sacred Urtext' and that Llobet's
'editorship' was personal stylistic apparently without Falla's approval and not what Falla
himself intended! In fact almost exactly the opposite is clearly the case and substantiated
in Falla's letters to Llobet published for the first time in this edition.The edition is
generously documented with rare photographs concert programmes etc. Iconographically rich it
includes full reproductions of three key manuscripts of the Homenaje including Falla's
original manuscript Miguel Llobet's previously unknown 1922 manuscript the 1920 edition from
the Revue Musicale Falla's article Claude Debussy et L'Espagne in a new English translation
and the 1923 Argentinian edition of the Homenaje from 'La Guitarra'.Falla was enthusiastic
about Llobet's performances of the Homenaje and he greatly appreciated Llobet's transcriptions
of the 'Romance del Pescador' and the 'Canción del Fuego Fatuo' these together with the
Homenaje figured as a 'Triptych' in Llobet's concert programmes. Both transcriptions are
published here for the first time prepared from Llobet's autograph manuscripts.This volume
includes a free audio CD of the three works in this volume plus 11 bonus tracks. Our CD offers
wonderful performances of Llobet's complete transcriptions of Falla's music transcribed for the
solo guitar guitar duo and voice & guitar.Instrumentation:guitar