Although much classical HF and mobile equipment is still in use by many amateurs the use of
computers and digital techniques has now become very popular among amateur radio operators.
Nowadays anyone can purchase a Raspberry Pi computer and run almost all amateur radio software
on the 'RPi' which is slightly bigger than the size of a credit card. The RTL-SDR devices have
become very popular among hams because of their very low cost and rich features. A basic system
may consist of a USB-based RTL-SDR device (dongle) with a suitable antenna an RPi computer a
USB-based external audio input-output adapter and software installed on the Pi. With such a
simple setup it is feasible to receive signals from around 24 MHz to over 1.7 GHz. With the
addition of a low-cost upconverter device an RTL-SDR can easily and effectively receive the HF
bands. This book is aimed at amateur radio enthusiasts electronic engineering students and
anyone interested in learning to use the Raspberry Pi to build electronic projects. The book is
suitable for the full range of beginners through old hands at ham radio. Step-by-step
installation of the operating system is described with many details on the commonly used Linux
commands. Some knowledge of the Python programming language is required to understand and
modify the projects given in the book. Example projects developed in the book include a station
clock waveform generation transistor amplifier design active filter design Morse code
exerciser frequency counter RF meter and more. The block diagram circuit diagram and
complete Python program listings are given for each project including the full description of
the projects. Besides wide coverage of RTL-SDR for amateur radio the book also summarizes the
installation and use instructions of the following ham radio programs and software tools you
can run on your Raspberry Pi: TWCLOCK Klog Gpredict FLDIGI DIRE WOLF xcwcp QSSTV LinPsk
Ham Clock CHIRP xastir and CQRLOG.