The 555 timer IC originally introduced by the Signetics Corporation around 1971 is sure to
rank high among the most popular analog integrated circuits ever produced. Originally called
the IC Time Machine this chip has been used in many timer-related projects by countless people
over decades. This book is all about designing projects based on the 555 timer IC. Over 45
fully tested and documented projects are presented. All projects have been fully tested by the
author by constructing them individually on a breadboard. You are not expected to have any
programming experiences for constructing or using the projects given in the book. However it's
definitely useful to have some knowledge of basic electronics and the use of a breadboard for
constructing and testing electronic circuits. Some of the projects in the book are: Alternately
Flashing Two LEDs Changing LED Flashing Rate Touch Sensor On Off Switch Switch On Off Delay
Light-Dependent Sound Dark Light Switch Tone Burst Generator Long Duration Timer Chasing LEDs
LED Roulette Game Traffic Lights Continuity Tester Electronic Lock Switch Contact Debouncing
Toy Electronic Organ Multiple Sensor Alarm System Metronome Voltage Multipliers Electronic Dice
7-Segment Display Counter Motor Control 7-Segment Display Dice Electronic Siren Various Other
Projects The projects given in the book can be modified or expanded by you for your very
own applications. Electronic engineering students people engaged in designing small electronic
circuits and electronic hobbyists should find the projects in the book instructive fun
interesting and useful.