Dr. Claude-Helene Mayer is an ethnologist (M.A. Philosophy) systematic counsellor mediator
and pedagogue in mediation (BM) who specializes in intercultural mediation. She works at the
Institut für Interkulturelle Praxis und Konfliktmanagement (IIPK Institute for Intercultural
Practice and Conflict Management) and is degree recipient of the Institut für Ethnologie at
the University of Göttingen on the subject of research in conflict identity and values in
Southern Africa. Dr. Christian Boness is Head of Instruction in the Pedagogical Seminar of the
University of Göttingen Head Counsellor for Studies Diplomaed Theologian and mediator. He
was active in development cooperation in Tanzania for a number of years. Today he is in the
employ of the Institute for Intercultural Practice and Conflict Management as Adviser of
German organizations cooperating as partners in East Africa.