The Pliohyracidae is a family of Hyracoidea that dispersed throughout Africa and much of
low-latitude Eurasia during the middle Miocene to Plio-Pleistocene having been recorded from
Namibia East Africa Tunisia and Morocco and from Spain in the west to China in the east via
France Greece Turkey Georgia Iran Kazakhstan and Russia but curiously never from the
Indian Subcontinent or southeast Asia. Fossils of this family were frequently confused with
chalicotheres but the discovery of more complete specimens gradually led to elucidation of
their hyracoid affinities. On occasion fossils of other taxa were included in the family
notable some suids and chalicotheres which complicated their interpretation. The aim of this
paper is to describe some unpublished fossils from Turkey and to re-interpret some specimens
from Turkey and France that have proven to be of enigmatic systematic and phylogenetic