Emil Stejnar was an astrological life coach for five decades. In this book he not only
describes the approach to classical astrology but also reveals completely new insights and
perspectives. A horoscope describes the anatomy and physiology of the spirit and soul. The
planets correspond to the spiritual organs that enable consciousness and their positions at
the moment of birth determine their functionality and quality: the Sun is the organ for
self-awareness the Moon for your emotional life Mercury for thinking Venus for love Mars
for your driving force Jupiter for your sense of justice and Saturn for discipline. With
Uranus Neptune and Pluto you gaze beyond the horizon of your consciousness. The disposition
of your character and personal being arises from the interaction of the organs. On the basis of
the ever-shifting planetary positions an astrological forecast calculates when specific organs
will be particularly activated or impaired and when they will function well or less well.
Mundane astrology investigates the spirit of the times which acts as a guiding current or
trend to determine popular consciousness and world events. Through the practice of astrology
you can come to know yourself your neighbour and the tides of the cosmos and you can utilise
the operative powers to shape yourself and take action successfully. Of all the philosophical
religious and occult traditions astrology is the only spiritual science that can be used to
prove that the spirit and the spiritual powers (energies or gods) actually exist. Astrology is
an empirical science based upon the observation of cosmic changes and their effects on
consciousness. With this book even a layperson can rapidly learn the basic rules of astrology.
The beginner will be astounded at how easy it is to understand a horoscope and experienced
astrologers will discover new possibilities for their astrological analyses with the original
insights presented here. Astrology is not about asking what fate will bring rather it is
about knowing when to act so that your plans succeed and the things you fear don't come to