Media Arts and Design (MAD) Anthology II: MAD Pandemic: Stories of Change and Continuity
during the COVID-19 Crisis brings together a selection of peer-reviewed contributions that
explore the profound shifts within discourses surrounding the media arts and design sparked
by the COVID-19 pandemic. In a world where the term 'new normal' has become a catchphrase
within contemporary discussions these papers critically evaluate and scrutinize the interplay
between rapid technological evolution and the steadfast (and dynamic) nature of human
creativity. Papers in this volume thoughtfully navigate through virtual spaces online spheres
digital landscapes and altered realities echoing the zeitgeist of a world in transition. This
anthology aims to operate as a remarkably informative storehouse of knowledge and serve as a
beacon of understanding by offering readers insightful narratives and enlightening accounts
that traverse the complexities of a landscape irrevocably altered by the ramifications of the
COVID-19 crisis.