Blowin' in the wind Dylan Bob|Dream a little dream of me Mamas and Papas|I just called to
say I love you Wonder Stevie|I will survive Gaynor Gloria|Killing me softly|Mama
Loo|Moonlight shadow Oldfield Mike|No milk today|Sunny|We are the champions Queen|Yesterday
Beatles|Candle in the wind John Elton|Thank you for the music Abba|No woman no cry Marley
Bob|New York New York|As time goes by|Good bye Johnny|September song|Derrick|I left my heart in
San Francisco|I'm beginning to see the light|La mer|Memories are made of this|My way|Summertime
blues Cochran Eddie|Satin doll|The lion sleeps tonight|What a wonderful world Armstrong
Louis|You light up my life|Second Waltz (Walzer 2 aus Jazz Suite 2) Schostakowitsch
Dmitri|Bel ami|Man müsste Klavier spielen können|Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus|Capri Fischer|Er
gehört zu mir Rosenberg Marianne|Happy birthday|Wie schön dass du geboren bist|In der
Weihnachtsbäckerei Zuckowski Rolf|Jingle bells|Last christmas Wham|We wish you a merry
christmas|Besame mucho|Don't worry be happy McFerrin Bobby|La cucaracha|Amazing grace|House
of the rising sun|My bonnie|Freight train blues|Go tell it on the mountain|Oh happy day