The present work contains three logical and philosophical treatises of Umar b. Sahln Sw (d.
after 537 1143): F Taqq naq al-wujd (Concerning the Contradictory of Existential Proposition)
al-Tawiat fi al-mujizt wa al-kirmt (An Introductory Statement on Miracles and Divine Graces)
and Nahj al-taqds (the Way of Divinity). Ibn Sahln Sw is a little-known Iranian philosopher and
non-Aristotelian logician of the six century A.H. His works written both in Persian and Arabic
represent the vibrant intellectual activity in Iran after the severe attacks of Muammad Ghazl
(d. 505 1111) and his successors against philosophy. Sws writings throw light on the challenges
concerning Ibn Sns views and the question of how the attention of the philosophers in the
Islamic world turned gradually from al-Shif to al-Ishrt wa al-tanbht in the six century A.H.
Sws logical and philosophical doctrines had effect on outstanding figures like Shihb al-Dn Yay
Suhraward (d. 587 1191) Fakhr al-Dn Rz (d. 606 1209) Nar al-Dn s (d. 672 1274) Shams al-Dn
Muammad Shahrazr (d. after 686 1287) and Mull adr (d. 1050 1640).