This publication emerged from a lecture series of a university cooperation between India and
Germany and presents the work of nine authors on social work education and practice in their
respective countries. The authors are highly experienced and practice oriented and their
contributions range from clinical social work indigenous knowledge systems community-based
social work and institutional models of community engagements to decolonized social work
education and practices. Contemporary and emerging concepts theories pedagogies
opportunities innovations and challenges have been presented giving a comprehensive account
of the trends and perspectives of social work education in their countries. Internationally
social work faces complex forces of globalisation and liberalisation leading to critical
evaluation of the relevance of existing approaches and developing models of intervention
applicable to a specific context. An exchange of ideas can lead to considering their
implications in diverse settings and contribute to addressing structural inequalities
collectively in an ethical critical and conscious manner. An approach to which this book
contributes by giving insights into different backgrounds understandings and methods.