Right now there is a mighty transformation of light taking place. Our world is being reshaped.
Every realm of being is undergoing this transformation. On the one hand it is the quality of
light which is changing on the other hand it is our work with the light as such which changes
the light's impact. The cosmic light streaming down to us in these days is currently changing
its vibration and frequency. Accordingly our own radiance vibration and frequencies have to
change and fall in tune with it in order to receive it and make use of it in a positive life
supporting way. Therefore all angels speak about the divine light and the divine love which has
its mightiest gate into the earthly realm through human´s hearts.Creating a realm of heart is
making the earth a 'Sun-Star'. Our human heart is a sun and a cosmos. This sun's radiance is
love and light which stream forth into our deeds and into all our days' work. Such our own
light mingling with the divine light will unfold its force of transformation and creation.All
the Archangels call themselves Gate Angels. They are gates into our new life and lives our new
earth our new communities... They will guide us step by step. This book is a precious gift of
them to us full of tools exercises prayers mantrams messages revelations and visions...You
are invited into the circle of practitioners and visionaries of human creators within the
divine evolution unfolding in its so unique and miraculous way here on earth!