Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr|Amen|Amen und Amen|Amen Amen Amen|Amen I say Amen|Blessing (go
with peace)|Christe du Lamm Gottes|Come holy spirit|Come on let's go let's celebrate our
god|Come let us sing|Der Herr sei hier|Ehr sei dem Vater und dem Sohn|Ehre sei Gott|Ehre sei
Gott in der Höhe|Ehre und Herrlichkeit|Friede sei mit euch|Gabi gabi|Geh in Gottes
Frieden|Gloria Hallelujah|Glory be to the father|Glory to god|Glory to the father|Glory to the
lord in the highest|Go with peace|God is mercy god is love|God will bless you|God give your
spirit|Gott ist gut|Grace and peace|Halle Halle Hallelujah|Halleluja|Halleluja
(Kanon)|Hallelujah salvation and glory|He has done marvellous things|Heilig heilig|Heilig
heilig heilig|Herr wir beten dich an|Herre Gott Christe|Herre Gott erbarme dich|Holy is
god|Holy is the lord|Holy spirit|Holy holy|Holy holy holy|I believe|I want to praise you|Ich
will dich loben am Morgen|In your name we are here|In your presence|Jesus christ light of the
world|Jesus you are my saviour|Kum ba yah|Kyrie|Kyrie Christe Kyrie eleison|Kyrie Eleison|Kyrie
Herr Christe erbarme dich|Lamb of god|Latino Halleluja|Let the praise begin|Let us break bread
together|Lift him up|Lord christ lord have mercy|Lord christ have mercy|Lord have mercy|May the
fragrance of Jesus|May the Lord send Angels|Mercy 2|Now let us sing|Peace shall be with
you|Praise be to the lord|Proem (grace and peace)|Psalm 23|Santo santo santo|Sing o my
soul|Sing till the power of the lord come down|Stay with me oh lord|Stay with us oh
lord|Südafrikanisches Amen|The lord my god my shepherd is|This child|Vater unser|Verleih uns
Frieden|We are gonna sit|Worship song|Yes the presence of the lord|Your word is a lamp