The precautionary principle provides a justification to act where scientific uncertainty about
the nature and extent of detected indications of harm would otherwise possibly impede
regulatory interventions. The highly controversial and often misunderstood principle plays a
central role in European risk regulation. The present volume should allow readers to gain an
overview of all essential points linked with the role of the principle in the risk regulation
framework of the European Union. Based on an outline of the precautionary principle s main
characteristics and its conception by the European Commission common allegations brought
against the principle are illuminated and critically assessed. The second part of the book is
then devoted to the actual implementation of the principle in the EU from early applications to
ongoing disputes. Three case studies from the agrochemical pharmaceutical and food packaging
sector reflect current applications as well as the relevant institutional and procedural
framework. Insights from the theoretical part and the case studies are melted in the final
discussion section that also includes recommendations for EU risk regulators.