Business in the beginning of the 21-st century faces very turbulent times as the developments
on the debt-crises have threatened the European market. These turbulent times are characterized
by doubts on financial markets the rising of state taxes and inflation which turns also in
difficulties for small and medium sized enterprises. Especially the group of small and medium
sized enterprises which cannot benefit from economies of scale and scope and other advantages
are threatened the most. It requires special alertness in spotting ideas and to combine
resources to overcome this entrepreneurial disaster crossing Europe. Especially for small
export-oriented countries like Slovakia which depends on foreign trade must handle this
situations very patient and carefully in order to protect their own small and medium sized
enterprises and thus its employment rate. [ ] Accordingly this thesis represents a complex view
about portfolio entrepreneurs with special focus on a region of the Slovak Republic which is
the country of analysis. It delivers new insights about the personality and abilities
capabilities skills and traits of portfolio entrepreneurs. Thus delivers a special
significance for the development of portfolio entrepreneurship which is derived from the
entrepreneurship research. Furthermore this diploma thesis represents a kind of forerunner in
this research area for the Slovak Republic as no comparable research done on this theme could
be researched during the conducting of the analysis. The reader will have the chance to find
out valuable information about the state of the art literature contributed by other authors in
the theoretical part of this thesis. This literature research has been developed from English
speaking literature and is notified at the end of the diploma thesis what makes it affordable
for subsequent studies. Subsequently the results of this study which has been built on the
grounds of extensive literature review will be presented in the results part. These results
have been obtained by a series of in-depth interviews with researched successful portfolio
entrepreneurs. In consequence the results come up with new until now not researched results
presented in a very user friendly kind enriched by citations of portfolio entrepreneurs
expressed during the in-depth interview. [ ]